CD*: Caroline Shaw, 'How to fold the wind'

Artists: caroline shaw, composer / ars nova / paul hillier, conductor

*Double sided CD:

and Michael Gordon, ‘A Western’

Artists: michael gordon, composer / theatre of voices / paul hillier, conductor

to Released on Cantaloupe Records, 2025


Caroline Shaw's How to fold the wind is inspired by origami, using speech, inhaled notes, wordless melodies and innovative vocal effects to fold individual voices together into a complex whole.

Michael Gordon’s A Western is inspired by the legendary 1950s film High Noon, starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly. It’s about the Wild West, the way of the gun, classic American TV fantasies, and of course the good guys versus the bad guys.

This double release, with a cover on each side of the wallet has two very different graphic expressions for two very different and exceptional vocal works.