CD: Eric Nathan, ‘Missing Words’

Artists: Eric nathan, composer; boston modern orchestra project; American brass quintet; international contemporary ensemble; neave trio; and more

Released on New Focus recordings, 2021

“Missing Words (2014-2021) is inspired by German words invented by writer Ben Schott in his book Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition (Blue Rider Press/Penguin Group). These words illuminate experiences of everyday contemporary life for which English has no synonyms. The words are therefore “missing” from English, and Schott has proposed new German words that English speakers can adopt, in the vein of Doppelgänger, Schadenfreude and Wanderlust. I love the wit, humor, pathos and intimacy of Schott’s words, and use the concepts they evoke as points of departure for the music.”
– Eric Nathan

For the album artwork for Missing Words, I focused on showing the invented words and their meanings using them throughout